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Prophecy 135
Circumcision and the Abrahamic Covenant

Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
through Apostle Elisheva Elijah
Received November 27, 2016 – Released May 10, 2017

Just be at peace MY children. For you are in the palm of MY Hand. You are under the shelter of MY Wings. All of these young men are circumcised in the heart and now they want to follow and make a new covenant with ME as Abraham did (Gn 17:3-14). Why, why, why, would I allow anything to go wrong? For your hands are anointed Ezra.

Oh MY son Ezra! I shall bless everything your hand touches—every instrument that you use, pray a blessing upon it. Remind each son that YAH is pleased with them. For they prove their love in another way as they come under another covenant, a new covenant for they already have the BLOOD COVENANT OF YAHUSHUA. Ezra you will make the video and it is as you have said, you were there as a father, the spiritual father, the head of the Ministry to be with your sons before they entered into surgery. And just like they follow with the head covering, look how they are already following with the circumcision.

You just speak in words that they can understand Ezra. Make it simple enough that a child can understand. For these are the rules that I have [always] given Elisheva.

And Ezra when you make this circumcision video, you let all those who are listening, who could not be there for you to lay hands on them and give them this special spiritual father blessing—to know this: As they obey ME and enter into this Abraham Covenant it is as if they were standing there [with you].

Encourage them to write the Ministry. For all those who are circumcised in heart and circumcised now in flesh, under the NEW BLOOD COVENANT OF YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH’S Abraham Covenant, this is a double blessing—to all the men who will receive, this has a double Anointing also!

Ezra, you are not saying circumcision saves anyone. For those enemies who will attack and say that you are saying this. This is not true. You will always teach that only under the NAME & BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA is the remission, forgiveness for sins. But the Abraham Covenant, is taking it a step further, is saying “I want to do all that YOU have commanded for me to do ABBA YAHUVEH,” as the young men and the old men speak, who belong to ME.

Only this: I AM going to send forth MY children—some who don’t even know yet they’re MY children—from the four corners of the earth to hear of this Ministry; If it be either by word of mouth, social media or by computer, I tell you this, they shall come! And now they have already come in 34 different languages.

You please ME Ezra and when you return you shall teach on circumcision, Genesis 17:1-27, and one by one the children who are not really children but young men [will also]—for it will be the other young men who will follow their example with their testimony—after they are healed and they explain the reason why they wanted to be under the Abrahamic Covenant. And you Ezra will do a teaching on it, as I said. And Adam’s video shall also be there. For people just do not understand why it is necessary when they’re already under the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA.

Then [after your salvation] came the circumcision of the flesh in obedience to MY Laws so you could be under the Abraham Covenant (Gn 17:1-27). You sacrificed your flesh—you were willing to go through the pain that is but temporary. And even when you see the blood: Remember this is not just Abraham’s Covenant, but this is a reminder of the BLOOD that was shed for you at Calvary by YAHUSHUA MASHIACH.

MY beloved son Ezra, I say well done! I AM so pleased with you for teaching about the Abraham Covenant.

I’m so pleased with you. For now they all will walk in a new Anointing. They were willing to suffer the pain of the flesh to obey the SPIRIT and I AM so pleased with them. This goes for everyone who has followed the example of one another—as you led the way and with the teaching.

Now you must teach everyone at AmightyWind Ministry.

Again each one of the children shall walk in a stronger Anointing than [before]—the ones that you have there now recently circumcised and that again goes for all, all, all who are newly getting circumcised.

[In hospitals, it once was a policy that a baby was circumcised]—it was just assumed, it had nothing to do with Holiness. And then the rules changed. For satan does not want them to walk in that new covenant just as surely as he doesn’t want them to walk in the NEW BLOOD COVENANT OF YAHUSHUA, but you are going going to stress the importance and even share the testimony of how the demons flee and it’s going to make it even easier to obey ME, I YAHUVEH and MY SON YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT.

I AM so pleased with you son for the responsibility that you’ve taken and you’ve done for all of those that were circumcised. And MY beloved son I want you to speak to even the Polish congregation, to take the time to tell them how important and how pleased I YAHUVEH AM that they are now under the Abrahamic Covenant. In MY timing son, you are going to put together that video and teach on this, and the importance of it. For it was not you Elisheva that was to teach on this, in all these years. It was not you Elisheva that was to teach the Torah. You have done what you were told to do. You just had to wait for your Ezra to come to fulfill and help complete what I want done!

Elisheva: ABBA YAHUVEH, is there anything else YOU want to say?

This is the way YOU’RE having me to pray right now ABBA YAHUVEH. And you’re telling me to pray peace, peace, peace on these young ones and peace—I just want you to know that I just keep hearing this again and again how pleased YAH is with you. HE just keeps telling me to tell you how pleased HE is with all of you, how much HE loves you! How you are leading these young men and even by the hand, YAH will lead your hand, Ezra. For you are their spiritual Dad. You re also their pastor.

And HE is using you, just as surely as like you said, you must tell them YAH has said exactly what you taught me. Remind them that the mother is not to be there [rather] it is the father that holds the baby (at 8 days old, just as YAHUSHUA was circumcised at 8 days old). This will comfort the young men.

And just pray over each one of them. Pray for peace for each one. I just saw a vision and YAHUSHUA is going to stand right beside each one of you, each one of you. And YAHUSHUA will be right there standing by your side, as you’re laying on that table. And YAHUSHUA is telling me to reassure you that HE is going to be there to calm you.

Elisheva, I love all of them, even more than you love them. And I will allow no harm to come to them especially your beloved husband Ezra. I ABBA YAHUVEH & I YAHUSHUA & I IMMAYAH remind you WE love you: all of you, all of OUR sons and all of OUR daughters.

Remember to keep them in prayer. For I have dispatched legions of Holy angels to protect you all.

So keep calling forth the translators Ezra, the Hebrew translators so they can help you! So you can feed them. So you can nurture them. The international Bride of YAHUSHUA is scattered in the 4 corners of the earth and so are the guests who will be at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB.

End of Word.

Elisheva: ABBA YAHUVEH, this is all I hear to say. Thank YOU and praise YOU! As our spiritual children go on this long trip with Ezra for this surgery.

So it is has been spoken
So it has been written
given to me Elisheva Eliyahu

End of Word

Elisheva: Thank YOU. That’s all I hear! Praise YAHUSHUA, ABBA YAHUVEH! HalleluYAH PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Thank YOU. Thank YOU. Thank YOU.

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